Dear ZJEers:
The outbreak of 2019-nCoV has had a far-reaching impact in China and internationally. While the risk to health remains relatively low in Zhejiang province, there has been significant disruption to travel to, from and within China.
ZJE Institute has decided to begin semester 2 by teaching online and this approach will be used by all staff and we anticipate this will continue until new policy announced. We will introduce face-to-face teaching once travel restrictions have been lifted that permit teachers and students to return to campus.
Your China- and UK-based teachers are working closely together to ensure minimal disruption to your teaching and learning activities. All courses will run online. There may be some changes to the course content and/or assessments. Course organisers will be in touch to share specific arrangements for each course. Any changes are made to benefit you, our students.
Semester 2 will start on Monday 17th February. The date of the exam week (the week beginning 25th May) is unchanged, the summer vacation is also unchanged (beginning 1st June), and plans for Y4 students’ graduation are unchanged. We expect that the mode of delivery will change as semester 2 progresses, transitioning from an entirely online mode to the predominantly face-to-face mode you are familiar with.
We are committed to supporting all our students during this challenging time, including students who have difficulties with these teaching arrangements. We will deal with these as they arise. Note that you must not make a Special Circumstances application to account for being away from campus, or because of the change to an online mode of teaching. However, if you encounter other circumstances that may negatively affect your academic performance during semester 2, you should make a Special Circumstances application as normal. Do discuss this with your AA before you make an application.
We are closely monitoring the evolving situation in China, and we will keep all you updated as the situation develops. However, if you have specific questions or concerns, please contact your AA, who will do their best to answer.
Please be assured that we are all committed to helping you through this difficult period in your academic journey and in supporting your academic futures. There are trying times for you, our students and for us as your teachers and mentors, but the spirit of our ZJE community will prevail.
With best wishes