

时间:2019-12-04 阅读量:0 来源:浙江大学爱丁堡大学联合学院

主题: Generation of gene-modified monkey models by somatic cell nuclear transfer

主讲人: Dr. Zhen Liu

Zhen Liu is a principle investigator of Institute of Neuroscience, Chinese Academy of Sciences. He obtained the doctor degree in 2017 and continued the post-doc research from 2017-2018 in Institute of Neuroscience, Chinese Academy of Sciences. During the PhD and post-doc period, he published a series important works in Cell, Nature, Nature Communications, Cell Research and so on. Now his lab focuses on primate reproductive engineering which includes somatic cell nuclear transfer and cell reprogramming, embryonic stem cell pluripotency, germ cell differentiation, spermatogonia stem cell and reproductive endocrine. These studies will provide new potential transgenic technologies for non-human primates and new solutions for human reproductive barriers.



地点:国际校区ZJE大楼, A203
